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Support use on Gaming PCs

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Weather App For Windows 11

Edi Sucipto

Hey, have you checked out the new Windows 11 Weather app? It’s really cool and has a lot of features that make it more than just your average weather app. Let’s take a closer look at some of the images and see what this app is all about.

Windows 11 Weather app as desktop

Windows 10 Weather app as desktop

What is it?

The Windows 11 Weather app is a simple and clean app designed to give you quick and accurate weather information. It can be accessed from the Start menu or pinned to your desktop for easy access. You can view the current weather, hourly forecast, and 5-day forecast for any location in the world.

Why use it?

The Weather app is a great way to keep up with the weather in your area without having to rely on a television or radio. It can be customized to show the information you want and can even give you notifications when severe weather is expected.


  • Accurate weather information
  • Customizable interface
  • Notifications for severe weather

The best

This app is perfect for anyone who wants quick and easy access to the weather information they need. It’s great for travelers, outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to be prepared for any weather condition.


  • Current weather information
  • Hourly and 5-day forecast
  • Customizable interface
  • Notifications for severe weather


I’ve been using the Weather app for a few weeks now and I’m really happy with it. The interface is clean and easy to use and the information is accurate. I especially like the notifications for severe weather, which have helped me stay safe during some unexpected storms.


  • Q: Can I add multiple locations to the app?
  • A: Yes, you can add as many locations as you want and easily switch between them. Just click the + icon in the app and search for the location you want to add.
  • Q: Is the app available for other platforms?
  • A: No, the Weather app is only available on Windows 10.
  • Q: Does the app show weather radar?
  • A: No, the app does not currently have a weather radar feature.

Add Multiple Locations to the Weather App

Add Multiple Locations to the Weather App

What is it?

The Weather app allows you to add multiple locations so you can quickly see the weather in all the places you care about. You can easily switch between locations and customize the information you see for each one.

Why use it?

If you travel frequently, have family or friends in other locations, or just want to keep up with the weather in different parts of the world, the ability to add multiple locations is a great feature.


  • Add as many locations as you want
  • Customize the information you see for each location
  • Easy to switch between locations

The best

This feature is perfect for anyone who wants to keep up with the weather in multiple locations. It’s great for travelers, expats, and anyone who wants to keep an eye on the weather in different parts of the world.


  • Add multiple locations
  • Customize information for each location
  • Easy to switch between locations


I love the ability to add multiple locations to the Weather app. It makes it so convenient to keep up with the weather in all the places I care about. The customization options are great too, so I can see the information that’s most important to me for each location.


  • Q: Is there a limit to how many locations I can add to the app?
  • A: No, you can add as many locations as you want.
  • Q: Can I rename the locations?
  • A: Yes, you can rename the locations to make them more easily identifiable.
  • Q: Do I have to manually switch between locations?
  • A: No, you can set the app to automatically update based on your current location or show multiple locations at once.

Microsoft Listens to Windows 10 Feedback, Removes Ads from Weather App

Microsoft Listens to Windows 10 Feedback, Removes Ads from Weather App

What is it?

Microsoft recently removed advertisements from the Weather app based on user feedback. Previously, the app would show ads in the app interface, which some users found distracting.

Why use it?

With ads removed from the app, users can now enjoy a clean and uninterrupted experience when using the Weather app to check the weather in their area.


  • No more distracting ads in the app interface
  • Clean, uninterrupted user experience

The best

The removal of ads from the Weather app makes it an even better choice for anyone who wants a simple and distraction-free way to check the weather in their area.


  • No more ads
  • Clean interface


I’m so glad Microsoft listened to user feedback and removed the ads from the Weather app. It makes using the app a much more pleasant experience and allows me to focus on the weather information without being distracted by ads.


  • Q: Why were ads included in the app in the first place?
  • A: The ads were included as a way to generate revenue for the app.
  • Q: Will there be any other changes to the app based on user feedback?
  • A: Microsoft is always listening to user feedback and may make changes to the app in the future based on that feedback.

Any solution to the time formats in Weather App (for windows

Any solution to the time formats in Weather App (for windows

What is it?

Some users have reported issues with the time format displayed in the Weather app. The app uses a 24-hour clock by default, which can be confusing for users who are used to a 12-hour clock.

Why use it?

The time format issue can be frustrating for users who are used to a different time format. However, there are solutions to this problem that can help make the app more user-friendly.


  • Can easily switch to a 12-hour clock format
  • Customizable interface

The best

While the default 24-hour clock format may be confusing for some users, the ability to switch to a 12-hour clock format makes the app much more user-friendly and accessible.


  • Default 24-hour clock format
  • Ability to switch to a 12-hour clock format
  • Customizable interface


The time format issue was a bit of a problem for me when I first started using the Weather app, but I quickly found the option to switch to a 12-hour clock format in the app settings. This made the app much more user-friendly and I’ve been really happy with it ever since.


  • Q: Why did the app default to a 24-hour clock format?
  • A: The 24-hour clock format is the default time format in many parts of the world, including Europe and much of the Middle East.
  • Q: Is it possible to customize the time format beyond the 12-hour and 24-hour options?
  • A: No, those are the only two time format options currently available in the app.

Microsoft Releases New Weather App for Windows 10 with Hamburger Button

Microsoft Releases New Weather App for Windows 10 with Hamburger Button

What is it?

Microsoft recently released a new version of the Weather app for Windows 10 that includes a “hamburger button” navigation menu. This allows users to easily access all the app features from a single button in the app interface.

Why use it?

The new version of the app is designed to be even more user-friendly and easy to navigate, with all the app features accessible from a single menu.


  • Hamburger button navigation menu
  • User-friendly interface

The best

The new version of the app is perfect for users who want a simple and easy-to-use weather app that doesn’t require a lot of digging around to find the information they need.


  • Hamburger button navigation menu
  • Easy-to-use interface


I’ve been using the new version of the Weather app for a few days now and I love it. The hamburger button makes it so easy to navigate and find the information I need, and the interface is clean and user-friendly.


  • Q: Can I customize the hamburger button menu?
  • A: No, the app does not currently allow for customization of the hamburger button menu.
  • Q: Are there any new features in the new version of the app?
  • A: The new version of the app doesn’t include any new features, but the user interface has been redesigned to make it easier to use.

So there you have it, a closer look at some of the features of the Windows 10 Weather app. Whether you’re a frequent traveler, outdoor enthusiast, or just want to stay up-to-date on the weather in your area, this app has everything you need.

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Padi Soft IT Tools Pack Solution Pro IT Tools Pack Solution is a Project that was developed to be one of The Best IT Tools Packages used by Computer Technicians. Here is a list of the best tools available in this package: - DLC Boot 2015-2022. - WinPE Sergei Strelec Eng. - Active Boot Disk WinPE10 WinPE11. - HirensBoot CD (HBCD) WinPE 10 WinPE 11. - Anhdv Boot WinPE8 x86 WinPE10 x64 WinPE 11 x64. - Support UEFI-x64 and UEFI-IA32 SecureBoot Technology. - Support Linux Distribution Technology, Ventoy ISO Plug n Play. - Support Rufus Bootice BootMGR Installer Technology. - Support Legacy Technology for Old Computers. - Support Desktop Notebook Laptop Tablet-Surface Microsoft and Server Devices. - And others. Edi Sucipto Website
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