IT Tools Pack Solution (ITPS) is a project that was started by Edi Sucipto (as Padi Soft) in January 2016. This initial project was established only for his personal needs. At that time (until now), he worked as a staff member in the IT Operation Support division at one of the leading companies in Indonesia.
This project was founded on the inefficient use of flash drives to run a variety of tools commonly used in troubleshooting PC desktop problems, such as installing windows, performing system backups and restores, resetting passwords, resizing hard disk partitions, and so on, which consume at least five flash drives, with each flash drive containing only one tool that will be used in the project. As a result, the excessive use of flash drives and the amount of money spent on their purchase will be affected.
At the end of 2015, the founder began to consider how to create a source that contains a collection of various IT tools to deal with troubleshooting PC desktop without having to use a lot of flash drives. After more than a week of experimenting with various usb-boot software to sacrifice a 16GB flash drive (quite disappointing), the founder finally succeeded in developing the codes of a software that was licensed open source from pendrivelinux.com, it is YUMI Multiboot & Installer, with additional combinations from the source HirensBootCD and DLCBoot, and then repackaged in such a way as needed, the initial results of the IT Tools Pack Solution Project design are created.
The IT Tools Pack Solution Project was officially published in early 2018 so that it could be used by other IT Support who required it. .
Some Unique Things from the Source IT Tools Pack Solution (ITPS) Project:
1. It is simple to install the source on the flash drive.2. Easy to repair if, at some point, the source on a flashdrive is attacked by a virus.
3. Has a number of features that allow it to outperform others when troubleshooting desktop devices.
4. A modern and easy-to-understand display menu.
5. It already supports a plug-and-play bootloader system for WinPE customization.
6. For UEFI-SecureBoot, the UEFI-CSM bootloader system is already supported.
7. Save money by not using flash drives and other similar devices.
If you want to claim that the sources we provide to the public are under your copyright, for which we have not been given permission to distribute, then do not hesitate to contact us through our Contact Info below.
We (Padi Soft) also provide the following IT services:
1. IT Infrastructure Consulting2. Database Design Consulting
3. Cloud Design Consulting
4. IT Tools Custom Edition
5. Hosting & Domain
6. WebApp Design
7. VPN Service
Contact US :
1. Email : edi.padisoft@outlook.com2. Linkedin : Edi Sucipto
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'aalamin.