[New] DLC Boot 2024 V4.8 Ultimate Edition has been Released! Check Here!
[New] Standard 2023 Community Edition has been Released! Get Here!
Support use on Gaming PCs

This project has supported to use of the latest UEFI-X64 SecureBoot devices.

Support use on Modern Laptop

We have developed the UEFI-IA32 or EUFI-X64 usage feature for your Laptop or Windows Tablet.

Very Reliable for Repairing Your Desktop PCs upto Server Devices

This project will make it easier for you to manage your business desktop devices.

Still Compatible for Older Devices

Don't worry, we will retain the Legacy features.

Ransomware Decryptor Pack

Edi Sucipto
IT Tools

Lately, we get a lot of complaints related to attacks from various types of ransomware viruses that are growing.

This made us think of gathering various types of effective antivirus ransomware decryptor to recover user data that has been attacked by the virus.

Ransomware DecryptorPack is a type of software tool that is designed to help victims of ransomware attacks to recover their encrypted files. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts a victim's files, making them inaccessible unless a ransom is paid to the attackers. A ransomware decryptor can help victims to decrypt their files without having to pay the ransom, often by using a unique decryption key or algorithm that is specific to the ransomware strain that was used in the attack. Ransomware decryptors are often created and released by cybersecurity researchers and law enforcement agencies, and they can be a valuable resource for victims of ransomware attacks.

We provide this package in two modes, the first mode is run on a windows system and the second mode is run on WinPE, where WinPE mode is a more limited package compared to the windows system mode.

in the initial stages, we must recognize the type of virus that attacks, by uploading the infected file type to the following website :

ID Ransomware :

No More Ransom Project :

If a virus that has infected your computer has not been identified on the website above, please send a sample infected with a virus to our Google Drive, by first archieve a .RAR or .7ZIP file and uploading it to the Virus Sample folder :

Ransomware DecryptorPack Project - Virus Samples

I hope we can help you find the right type of vaccine to deal with your computer virus problem, and also to develop the latest version for Ransomware Decryptor Pack Project.

Please download the two modes that we provide (this is the recommendation), to get a better troubleshoot experience.

Windows Edition : Download via GoogleDrive (Update 12Jan2020 / 398MB)
MD5 : 7C116D3F9B86212E37F2BC115472806B

WinPE Edition : Download via GoogleDrive (Update 12Jan2020 / 160MB)
MD5 : 709CF638BDB88CFD3551CAC538CCAADB

Windows Edition : Emsisoft Emergency Kit (The Last Update by Emsisoft)

Notes :
- Run the application in administrator mode (Windows Edition Only).
- Wait a few moments until the application completes installation in silent mode and explorer the application directory.

List of Windows Edition Package

IT Tools

List of WinPE Edition Package

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Rescue Disk WinPE ISO Google Drive Free Edition on Here

DLC Boot 2022 ISO Google Drive V4.2 Free The Latest Update on Here

WinPE Sergei Strelec ISO Google Drive The Latest Update on Here

Hiren's BootCD Legacy UEFI Google Drive The Latest Update on Here

MediCat USB ISO Google Drive The Latest Update on Here

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Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'aalamin.

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Regards, Edi.
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The Best of IT Tools for IT Technical Support IT Tools
Padi Soft IT Tools Pack Solution Pro IT Tools Pack Solution is a Project that was developed to be one of The Best IT Tools Packages used by Computer Technicians. Here is a list of the best tools available in this package: - DLC Boot 2015-2022. - WinPE Sergei Strelec Eng. - Active Boot Disk WinPE10 WinPE11. - HirensBoot CD (HBCD) WinPE 10 WinPE 11. - Anhdv Boot WinPE8 x86 WinPE10 x64 WinPE 11 x64. - Support UEFI-x64 and UEFI-IA32 SecureBoot Technology. - Support Linux Distribution Technology, Ventoy ISO Plug n Play. - Support Rufus Bootice BootMGR Installer Technology. - Support Legacy Technology for Old Computers. - Support Desktop Notebook Laptop Tablet-Surface Microsoft and Server Devices. - And others. Edi Sucipto Website
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