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Support use on Gaming PCs

This project has supported to use of the latest UEFI-X64 SecureBoot devices.

Support use on Modern Laptop

We have developed the UEFI-IA32 or EUFI-X64 usage feature for your Laptop or Windows Tablet.

Very Reliable for Repairing Your Desktop PCs upto Server Devices

This project will make it easier for you to manage your business desktop devices.

Still Compatible for Older Devices

Don't worry, we will retain the Legacy features.

Ventoy Multiboot Tool 1.0.88 Download The Latest Update

Edi Sucipto
IT Tools

Ventoy is a free and open-source tool that allows users to create a multiboot USB drive. With Ventoy, users can add multiple ISO files to a USB drive and boot them without the need to extract or write them to the USB drive. This makes it a convenient tool for system administrators, IT professionals, and users who frequently work with multiple operating systems or bootable tools.

The process of using Ventoy is simple. After creating a bootable USB drive with Ventoy, users can copy any number of ISO files to the USB drive, and each ISO file will appear as a bootable option when the USB drive is inserted and booted. Ventoy supports a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and various live CDs, and can also boot tools such as antivirus scanners, disk cloning utilities, and system repair disks.

Ventoy is compatible with most modern BIOS and UEFI systems and can be used with both legacy and modern systems. It is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

  • Easy to use: Ventoy is very easy to use. You only need to download the Ventoy tool and copy the ISO files to the USB drive. No installation is required.
  • Multiboot support: Ventoy allows you to create a multiboot USB drive that can boot multiple operating systems, tools, and utilities. This means you can have several different operating systems or tools on a single USB drive.
  • Automatic detection of ISO files: Ventoy can automatically detect ISO files on your USB drive and display them in a menu. This saves you time and effort in searching for the ISO files.
  • Fast boot times: Ventoy uses a highly efficient booting mechanism that allows for faster boot times.
  • Customization: Ventoy is highly customizable. You can customize the boot menu, add your own boot images, and create custom boot entries.

  • Limited support for non-ISO files: Ventoy is primarily designed to work with ISO files. It may not work with other types of bootable files, such as IMG or VHD files.
  • Limited support for older systems: Ventoy may not work with older systems that lack support for newer booting mechanisms, such as UEFI booting.
  • Potential security risks: Ventoy may pose a security risk if the ISO files you use are not from trusted sources.
  • Limited documentation: Ventoy's documentation is limited, which may make it difficult for new users to get started.
Overall, Ventoy is a powerful and flexible tool that offers many advantages for creating multiboot USB drives. However, it also has some limitations and potential risks that you should be aware of before using it.

Download via Mediafire: 



Windows Portable


What's New:

  • Added Windows Portable
  • Fix the VHD(x) boot issue introduced in 1.0.87.
  • Add more options for Windows command line mode. Notes
  • VentoyPlguson: Fix VTOY_WIN11_BYPASS_CHECK option web page display issue.
  • Fix that workaround #2 not working for Legacy BIOS access limit.
  • Fix a syntax error in F4 localboot.
  • Show file checksum menu title according to the existence of checksum value.
  • Automatically switch to en_US when use text mode.
  • Add unsupported tip message for 4k native disk.
  • Add return to previous menu in secondary boot menu for convenience.
  • Add max value for screen resolution option in theme plugin. Notes
  • Fix the bug when F2 browse and boot VHD/VHDX files in an extend logic partition.
  • Fix the menu title of F5 Tools ---> Power ---> $VTLANG_POWER_REBOOT_EFIFW
  • Support BSD style for .md5/.sha1/.sh256/.sha512 checksum file. (#2112)
  • Support VENTOY_CHECKSUM file for checksum value match. Notes
  • Disable Fn hotkeys in autoinstall/persistence/wim select menu.
  • Fix the blank item in the last of Language select menu.
  • Fix the menu display issue when use persistence (VTLANG_NO_PERSISTENCE).
  • Add support for Lenovo Product Recovery iso file.
  • Add support for Dell PER ISO. (#2113)
  • grub2 mode supports Porteus ISO file.
  • Fix the file path when file checksum in F2 browse mode.
  • Add new menu languages
  • languages.json update


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'aalamin.

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The Best of IT Tools for IT Technical Support IT Tools
Padi Soft IT Tools Pack Solution Pro IT Tools Pack Solution is a Project that was developed to be one of The Best IT Tools Packages used by Computer Technicians. Here is a list of the best tools available in this package: - DLC Boot 2015-2022. - WinPE Sergei Strelec Eng. - Active Boot Disk WinPE10 WinPE11. - HirensBoot CD (HBCD) WinPE 10 WinPE 11. - Anhdv Boot WinPE8 x86 WinPE10 x64 WinPE 11 x64. - Support UEFI-x64 and UEFI-IA32 SecureBoot Technology. - Support Linux Distribution Technology, Ventoy ISO Plug n Play. - Support Rufus Bootice BootMGR Installer Technology. - Support Legacy Technology for Old Computers. - Support Desktop Notebook Laptop Tablet-Surface Microsoft and Server Devices. - And others. Edi Sucipto Website
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