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The Pros And Cons Of Windows 8

Edi Sucipto

Are you considering whether to use Windows 8 or another operating system? Check out this handy infographic that highlights the pros and cons of using Windows 8.

Windows 8 Infographic

Windows 8 Infographic

Windows 8 is a widely used operating system that has both advantages and disadvantages. Below we will discuss these in detail so you can make an informed decision about whether or not to use Windows 8.

What is Windows 8?

Windows 8 is a user-friendly operating system developed by Microsoft that is designed for individuals and businesses alike. With a focus on touch screen capabilities, Windows 8 offers users an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

Why use Windows 8?

Here are a few reasons why you may want to consider using Windows 8:

  • Intuitive touch screen interface makes using your device a breeze
  • Multi-tasking capabilities allow you to complete multiple tasks at once
  • Pre-installed apps make using your device for work and play easy
  • Powerful search capabilities allow you to quickly find what you need

Advantages of Windows 8

Here are some of the advantages of using Windows 8:

Intuitive Interface

Windows 8 is designed with a touch screen interface in mind, which makes it easy to navigate and use. Whether you are using a tablet, desktop or laptop, Windows 8 offers users an intuitive user experience.

Multi-Tasking Capabilities

Windows 8 allows you to complete multiple tasks at once, which makes it a perfect tool for managing your business or work. You can have multiple applications open and running at the same time, and easily switch between them as you need.

Pre-Installed Apps

Windows 8 comes with several useful pre-installed apps. These apps make it easy to stay organized and productive, no matter what you are working on. Microsoft Office is pre-installed on Windows 8, which is great for creating spreadsheets, documents, and presentations.

Powerful Search Capabilities

Windows 8 features powerful search capabilities that allow you to quickly find what you need. The search function can be accessed through the Start menu, making it easy to quickly find files, documents, emails, and more.

The Best of Windows 8

Windows 8 offers a variety of great features.

  • Touchscreen Interface: The touchscreen interface makes it easy to navigate and use the operating system.
  • Multi-Tasking Capabilities: With multi-tasking capabilities, you can stay productive no matter what you are working on.
  • Pre-Installed Apps: Windows 8 comes with several pre-installed apps that can help you stay organized and productive.
  • Powerful Search Functionality: Windows 8’s powerful search capabilities makes finding what you need a breeze.

Feature Review

Windows 8 offers a lot of great features. Here is a closer look at some of its best features:

  • Start Screen: Windows 8’s Start screen is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. It features large, easy-to-read tiles that are perfect for touchscreens.
  • Apps: Windows 8 comes with several useful pre-installed apps, such as Microsoft Office, which make it easy to stay organized and productive.
  • Multi-Tasking: Windows 8’s multi-tasking capabilities allow you to work on multiple applications at once, which can help to increase your productivity.
  • Search: With Windows 8’s powerful search capabilities, you can quickly find what you need without having to spend hours searching for it.


Q: Is Windows 8 easy to use?

A: Yes, Windows 8 is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive touch screen interface that makes it easy to navigate and use.

Q: Are there any advantages to using Windows 8?

A: Yes, there are several advantages to using Windows 8, including its multi-tasking capabilities, powerful search functionality, and pre-installed apps.

Q: Can I run Windows 8 on my current device?

A: It depends on your current device. Windows 8 requires certain hardware specifications to run properly, so you will need to check your device’s specifications to see if it is compatible with Windows 8.

Q: Is Windows 8 worth the investment?

A: It depends on your needs. If you require a user-friendly operating system with multi-tasking capabilities and powerful search functionality, Windows 8 may be worth the investment.


Windows 8 is a powerful and user-friendly operating system that can be a great tool for individuals and businesses alike. With a focus on touch screen capabilities, multi-tasking, and powerful search functionality, Windows 8 has a lot to offer users. Consider the pros and cons before deciding if Windows 8 is right for you.

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